Vegetable Planting
Selecting the site
Vegetables will grow best in a warm sunny position.
They will not grow and yield in shade or where they have to compete for light and moisture.
Shelter from strong winds is also a benefit.
The size of the vegetable garden depends on the size of your family and the vegetables required.
The soil
Vegetables require a free draining soil rich in organic matter (compost).
In clay soils the vegetable plot should be raised or built up some 15cm above the surrounding soil to ensure good drainage.
The seed
Modern hybrid varieties of vegetables are higher yielding, better tasting, more disease resistant and more uniform than old varieties.
Seek advice from a Green Door team member on the best varieties for your area and the season.
We recommend ican seeds which while the range is small you can be sure your selection is the best variety available.
The plants
In many cases it is more convenient to buy plants than to raise seeds.
It saves time, and often only a small number of plants are required.
The same principle applies as for seed, buy quality.
Good seedlings should have 6-8 true leaves and be 5-8 cm high.
Hybrids will cost a little more, but are worth it.
The Seasons
Try something new
Anything goes when it comes to salads so get creative with the vegetables ready in your garden
Most vegetables prove disappointing if grown out of season.
Cool season vegetables grow best at temperatures of 10 to 20°C, but can tolerate colder temperatures. This group includes broad beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, onions, peas, spinach and turnips.
These cool-season vegetables are best planted February to September for harvesting May to December.
Warm season vegetables grow best at temperatures above 20°C. They grow poorly in cold weather and are susceptible to frost. This group includes beans, capsicum, eggplant, potato, sweet corn, kumara, tomato and all the vine crops (cucumbers, pumpkins etc.).
They are planted October to February for harvesting December to May.
There is a third group of vegetables which are intermediate and grow best at temperatures of 15 to 25°C. This group includes beetroot, cabbage, carrot, celery, leek, lettuce, parsnip, radish and silver beet. Many of these can be grown in cool or warm conditions, but the correct variety for the season must be chosen or they may bolt to seed.
This page and our succession planting brochure in store will ensure you have a continuous supply of fresh vegetables year round, even from a small space.
Succession planting
If you plant a few new seedlings every 3-4 weeks you will have fresh vegetables coming available through the growing season.
Key Points for Success
Warm, sunny site
Free draining soil with compost added.
Quality seeds or plants
Water during dry periods
Planned succession of crops
Planning a succession
Beginners often make the mistake of planting up a whole garden in October. All the crops are then ready for harvesting at the same time in early January just as the family goes away on holiday.
For a steady continuous supply of vegetables it is best to plan requirements and sow little and often.
At the same time make use of the season changes and rotate crops.
A plot system or a narrow garden with short rows often makes this easier to manage.
Our in store Vegetable Planning brochure will help ensure a continuous harvest of season vegetables throughout the year.
During dry weather it is important to keep vegetables actively growing by regular watering.
If they suffer moisture stress they will bolt to seed.
At the beginning of spring apply a dressing of lime. Work this into the soil and leave for a week, then add ican Vegetable Food and work this into the soil.
When transplanting it is a good idea to water in with ican Fast Food to ensure a good start. Regular feeding with ican Fast Food is beneficial for fast growing crops such as lettuces and tomatoes.
Making best use of Space
Many sections / backyards today are small with limited scope for the vegetable garden. However, with careful planning it is still possible to grow a range of vegetables maturing at different times to provide near continuous supply. Large pots offer another alternative for small spaces.
Another space saving technique is to introduce vegetables into the ornamental garden in a potager style.
Hedges of sweet corn, or climbing beans on a fence, blocks of lettuce, carrots, onions, cabbages, and leeks for contrasting foliage. Try novelty vegetables such as multi-coloured silver beet, yellow tomatoes, yellow and red peppers.
Dividing up the space
Some vegetables such as potatoes, courgettes, buttercup / pumpkins, sweet corn, and broad beans take a lot of space and are best grown in a separate area where they are allowed space to spread without shading or smothering smaller plants.
Growing in plots rather than rows often works best for the smaller plants such as lettuces, carrots, onions, leeks.